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Facet joints are the connectors between your vertebrae, enabling a range of movements like twisting and bending. Like all joints, they’re vulnerable to arthritis, leading to discomfort and stiffness over time. While lifestyle adjustments, anti-inflammatory drugs, or regenerative treatments like PRP and prolotherapy often suffice, radiofrequency ablation (RFA) offers an advanced solution for those who don’t find relief through conventional methods.

RFA is typically a last-resort treatment for back pain arising from arthritis in the facet or sacroiliac joints. Remarkably, over 60% of patients report significant alleviation of pain and enhanced functionality post-treatment.

At Pain Healing Center in Brandon, Florida, Dr. Benni is committed to offering state-of-the-art treatments for arthritic back pain, including RFA when deemed necessary. He ensures you’re well-informed about the procedure before proceeding. Below are answers to frequently asked questions about RFA and its efficacy for spinal arthritis:

How Does RFA Alleviate Pain?

RFA offers long-lasting relief from arthritis-induced back or joint pain. The procedure involves using a needle to administer radiofrequency energy to the pain-causing nerve, effectively burning it and disabling its ability to send pain signals. A local anesthetic is applied beforehand for your comfort.

Is RFA a Precise Treatment?

Concerns about the precision of RFA are common, especially regarding potential damage to surrounding tissues. While RFA can weaken the stabilizing multifidus muscle, its accuracy is ensured through diagnostic nerve blocks and imaging technology, allowing Dr. Benni to precisely target the affected nerves.

Can Multiple Nerves Be Treated?

Since pain can emanate from multiple nerves, Dr. Benni conducts a thorough evaluation to identify all affected areas. Multiple nerves can be treated in a single RFA session.

What’s the Recovery Time?

Post-procedure, you’ll need approximately 24 hours of rest and a designated driver to take you home. Mild soreness may occur, but you can generally resume normal activities within a day or two. Dr. Benni will guide you on managing any residual discomfort.

When Will I Feel Better?

The timeframe for experiencing relief varies but usually takes up to three weeks.

How Long Do the Effects Last?

The duration of relief can range from six months to over a year. Since nerves can regenerate, Dr. Benni will discuss follow-up treatments and other options to sustain your results.

If you’re grappling with spinal arthritis and haven’t found an effective treatment, reach out to Pain Healing Center to explore if you’re a suitable candidate for RFA.

The information provided on this website is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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